
Monday, February 23, 2009


we love jewels, don't we??

some pieces that i found on moxsie

it's an earing.. i swear... interesting isn't it?

i'd like the snake ring please??

but it was too expensive... man.. i wish i had a lot of money...


Catherine Viriya said...

gw bikinnya di toko pak moelky, pokoknya di depannya ada tulisan moelky gitudehh..
tmen gw jg ada yg buat di toko lain trus ga sesuai harapan gitu,lo ke moelky aja,hehe
btw ini moxsie bagus2 bangeeet!! mupeng!

selly octavia said...

di deket apa?? murah gak?? haha.. iyaa.. tapi mahal banget.. gak kuat bayarnya... hahahaha...